• Springfield, MA also nicknamed by its residents and visitors The City of Firsts (due to its many innovations); The City of Homes (Victorian residential architecture); The Western Gateway to New England; The City in the Forest; The City of Progress or the Hoop City (origin of basketball). Springfield is a city in the Western of New England, Hampden County of the United States. There are a variety of things to do and places to visit throughout the 33.1 square miles.

    Ten things to do in Springfield, MA

    The list of what you can do while in this city is endless. Below are the places you can visit and have fun

    1. Springfield museums – Located in the heart of downtown Springfield. Visit here and enjoy ancient art, history, and science from the four world-class museums.

    2. Springfield Armory National Historic site – Visit this historic military museum and see the remains of the first military weapons used in the city. Springfield being the first to invest most of the army weapons, you can be sure this historic site is rich.

    3. Basket Hall of Fame – Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world was invented in Springfield. Visit the 48,000 square foot museum to see the exhibits on basketball history and its heroes.

    4. Symphony Hall – Get to listen to Springfield Symphony Orchestra, besides the beauty and acoustics of this magnificent hall at the heart of the city.

    5. Zoo in the Forest – With over 200 exotic and domestic animals, the zoo provides educational programs for all age groups and makes for a great way to spend a day.

    6. Forest Park- this is the city in the forest. The park has tennis courts, baseball/softball and soccer fields. During the Christmas Holidays; enjoy the Christmas lights all through the park. The colored and blazing neon lights will keep your night bright as the day with color as you drive through the park at night admiring all the bright lights of “Bright Nights”.

    7. Mass Mutual Center- this was formerly known as Springfield Civic Center, which is a multi-purpose arena and a convention center. Visit the center and see where the biggest events take place. The architecture of the center is amazing and hosts a variety of events throughout the year. The Mass Mutual Center is the home of the Springfield Thunderbirds, a minor league hockey team belonging to the AHL (American Hockey League).

    8. Van Horn Park- tired of the indoor activities? Take a walk around here. Enjoy tennis from the tennis courts, ride along the bike trails and enjoy the most loved, popular, and the most watched sport in the world on the soccer fields. The park itself is believed to be haunted by 2 boys who had drowned while swimming in the pond back in the 1920s.

    9. Springfield Central Library- take time and visit the center of intellectual life in the city. Knowledge is power, take a book from this library and read and you interact with other scholars around. Relax your mind from all the strenuous daily activities.

    10. Tower square- visit this indoor mall and enjoy free art galleries, delicious meals, and drinks from the restaurants and outlets within the mall.

    If this article interests you, I encourage you to read more about the “City of Firsts”.